1. Paid trial. We may offer a paid (for $0.99) trial subscription (for 3 days) for the service. Please note that if a trial is offered, this will be explicitly stated on the price screen before the checkout. From time to time, we may also propose discounted offers and other offers that may be interesting for you. Unless you cancel the subscription before the end of the trial, you will be automatically charged for the price you confirmed on the land page while buying a subscription for our service.

2. Subscription. The subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each week or month or otherwise, depending on the option selected by you at the time of purchase) until you cancel.

3. Payment method. Payment will be charged to the payment method you submitted at the time of purchase at confirmation of purchase (after you confirm by single-touch identification, facial recognition, or entering your payment method details on the web, or otherwise accepting subscription terms provided on the payment screen or on the pop-up screen provided by Apple/Google or on our web page) or after the end of the trial period. You authorize us to charge the applicable subscription fees to the payment method that you use.

4. Cancelation. Your subscription renews automatically at the end of each period until you cancel.

To avoid being charged cancel your subscription in time sufficient to process your request before the end of the period. You may cancel your subscription via our support chat that is available through our website. The mail of support team:

In order to cancel your subscription, you will have to send our support team a message with the request and then you have to answer all the following emails our support sent to you.

Canceling your subscription means that the automatic renewal will be disabled, but you will still have access to all your materials you have already paid for.

5. Refunds.

We provide refunds at our own discretion and subject to laws and our policies that may be published from time to time. Refund will be provided if we find the request acceptable.

Please note that after your subscription period expires, we will not be able to refund you as the service will be deemed consumed in full, unless otherwise provided for by applicable law.

6. Changes.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we may change subscription fees at any time. We will give you reasonable notice of any such pricing changes by posting the new prices on or through the app and/or by sending you an email notification, or in other prominent ways. If you do not wish to pay the new fees, you can cancel the applicable subscription prior to the change going into effect.

If you have any questions in relation to the subscription terms, please contact us directly at

Please make a screenshot of this information for your reference. This may help you to control your subscriptions.

Last update: 20 February 2022